Interview Question:
Preparation for the actual interview
Memorable day of my life interview question: Interview preparation
Interview Preparation
In the first article, we discussed the important points of an effective biodata first, according to your biodata.
When we send to companies, of course we get called for interviews. Interview over the phone
Or we can meet in person. In this article, let’s see how to prepare for the actual interview.
memorable day of my life interview question:
The main purpose of the interview is whether you are the right person for the job. your knowledge,
Is the educational qualification as per company requirements? What can you do for the company?
Let’s take a look at the questions we are often asked to determine if we are the right candidate.
memorable day of my life interview question:
1) Tell about yourself or introduce yourself.
While answering this question, tell your name, education, and briefly about your family. Give proper information about the main subject of your degree. If you have any previous work experience, tell me about it. This question is mainly to make you talk. Your body language, your confidence, and your communication skills are also verified at the same time without your knowledge.
2. Another frequently asked question is, What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Here we will not talk nicely. A well-thought out answer is expected. Describe your positive qualities/strengths in 1-2 sentences. For example, I like to take on challenges; I can complete tasks by myself without being in a group.
Don’t forget to mention how you are learning to overcome your weaknesses. For example, I get angry easily, but now I do yoga, which helps me stay calm.
The purpose behind this question is how you can handle the situation.
3. Where do you see yourself after 5 years?
The purpose of this question is how much you progress in your career and whether you will be able to take on additional responsibilities or not. Give the answers briefly but thoughtfully. As I see myself on a higher post with work experience.
4. Why should we choose you?
My educational qualifications and skills are suitable for this job. Here you have to market yourself.
5. How will you handle stress and pressure?
Answer in a very positive manner. As I look at this as a challenge and not as a problem, I will use the opportunity to show my abilities and skills.
memorable day of my life interview question:
We have understood the question; now the important thing is how to practice it. Write down the questions and answer yourself in the language in which you want to answer. While writing, your thoughts become more clear. Talk to your friends, bosses, and experts, see why some changes are needed, and finalize what you have written. Ask your friend to ask questions and answer them as if you were conducting a live interview. Practice standing in front of a mirror back and forth. Another important practice is to use smart phones smartly. Record a video of your interview practice. Make changes where you go wrong, where you need to improve. If you prepare for the interview with a positive attitude in your body language and your voice tone, along with practice, you will surely win 100% of the of the job!
Meghna Dharmesh
Success Mantra | [email protected]
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