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Token of Appreciation

token of appreciation

Token of Appreciation 

Appreciate from the bottom of your heart !!

As quick as we are to criticize others or point out their faults, are we just as quick to appreciate someone doing something good? You did a great job! Great presentation! Handled the issues of our employees very well. What the hell, you satisfied that angry customer! Managed such an important meeting very well.Is it called that??

So the answer is no. The reason is simple: everyone finds it difficult to appreciate. Somewhere we are very stingy to appreciate and praise. What’s in it? That was the same thing. How much do we take our employees for granted?

Appreciating a good job if you say it’s good, the person doing it will definitely feel good too, right??
We all live such busy, stressful lives in the world that even two words of appreciation can lift someone’s mind. A pat of appreciation definitely motivates the other person to do better work.

Every employee in the office is doing their own work, but acknowledgment of good work is appreciation.
Don’t think about doing it, but do it with your heart. Many companies give tokens of appreciation to their employees for good work. You can also give a card, speak, send nice mail, write a nice letter, and put it on the office notice board. What better way to motivate your colleague? How happy your team member will be when his hard work and efforts are appreciated like this!

Two words of appreciation give strength to our employees so they can do their work better.
Therefore, even the self-motivated employee tries to do his best. Appreciation is an important emotional need of all. If that emotional need can be satisfied with a simple good word, why look back? No tax is required for that.

Use any word token of appreciation nice job!

Great work! Thank you! Well done! Keep it up! But say words of appreciation from the heart! Yes! Important: don’t talk behind your back; talk in front of everyone. Appreciate the work and qualities of your employees. Appreciating someone does not make us small, that’s for sure! On the contrary, the other person unconsciously notes the greatness of his mind.

Do you want to look at the whole white paper or just look at the black dot on it and keep talking about it? It doesn’t take anything to find fault; it is a very easy task. It is a real test in giving praise and appreciation! Then don’t look back now. The person, their good work, their contribution! Try it!
Meghna Dharmesh
Success Mantra
HR consultant, soft skills trainer, and faculty of entrepreneurship
[email protected]

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