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The World Vegetarian Day

The World Vegetarian Day

The World Vegetarian Day

Take a day to experiment with vegetarian food and see if adopting this lifestyle may simultaneously benefit the environment, your happiness, and your health.

Thousands of individuals switch to a healthier, more socially conscious lifestyle each year. These people want to live long, healthy lives free from the dangers of heart disease, they want to have beautiful bodies maintained by living in harmony with the Earth, and they care about the lives of animals and want cruelty to end. Who are these individuals? World Vegetarian Day honors their choice to become vegetarians and lead more ethical lives by removing meat and other animal products from their diet.


Find out when World Vegetarian Day is.


It may surprise you to learn that approximately 10% of the global population follows a vegetarian diet. That number usually surprises people. It’s more than you probably anticipated, am I right? The fact that India consumes the least amount of meat per person worldwide surprises a lot of people as well.

We celebrate all of the positive aspects of being a vegetarian on World Vegetarian Day. It’s a great day to demonstrate to others that you can enjoy eating meatless food! It’s not monotonous, and there are some truly wonderful recipes available.

You can observe World Vegetarian Day even if you are not a vegetarian. How about giving up meat for the day and seeing how you get along? There are tons of delicious meatless options available on this day, including cheese pizza, veggie burgers, tofu, and carrot sticks. Furthermore, you never know it might encourage you to skip meat on other days in the future.

There are several advantages to giving up meat. You have advantages for your body first. A vegetarian diet usually consists of ingesting a lot of the healthy foods that are not normally found in meat. This comprises an abundance of phytochemicals, magnesium, unsaturated fat, vitamins E and C, folic acid, and and fiber. This translates into a healthier weight, lower blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease, and also lower cholesterol.

As if that weren’t already enough, becoming a vegetarian has several positive environmental effects. This not only saves animal lives but also fossil fuels. For instance, 78 calories of fossil fuel are needed to produce one calorie of beef! A great deal of people are unaware of this. For soybeans, one cow calorie requires only one fossil fuel calorie. This indicates that it is 780 percent more productive than producing beef.


The World Vegetarian Day’s past

The North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) created World Vegetarian Day in 1977 in an effort to raise awareness of the health and social advantages of adopting a vegetarian diet and to support the vegetarian way of life. Humans are omnivores, therefore we can live perfectly well without consuming any animal products or meat, but are there any advantages beyond just feeling good about yourself?

It turns out that the answer is definitely yes. When you are mindful of the amount of fat you consume, a vegetarian diet is far healthier than one that includes animal products. You may fully prevent cardiovascular disease, the biggest cause of mortality in the United States alone, with a low-fat vegetarian diet.

Vegetarians not only cut out animal fat and cholesterol from their diets (this is especially true for vegans), but they also eat more fiber and antioxidants, which are well known to prevent cancer! The impact of vegetarianism on our health is so great that statistics have proven it can extend our lives by 13 years of good health.

Need more proof? Just look at Okinawa, where the people with the longest life-span in the world live. Guess what their diet primarily consists of?


How to celebrate World Vegetarian Day

Even if you have no desire to live a Vegetarian lifestyle every day, give yourself a chance to explore the world that is vegetarian cuisine on World Vegetarian Day. Explore the health benefits and find out how delicious and healthy eating no animal products can be by eliminating them from your diet for just one day.

It can even give you an opportunity to try out new restaurants and dishes, just stop in at your local vegetarian restaurant or order off the vegetarian menu at your favorite restaurant. Recruit some friends to go with you and have a wonderful night out, without hurting any animals!

There are a number of other ways that you can celebrate World Vegetarian Day as well. Aside from opting for a meat-free day, you can also enrich your knowledge and/or share your knowledge about the benefits of being a vegetarian online. Educate your friends, followers, and family members about the advantages of going vegetarian. You will find a lot of resources online about this.


Especially on World Vegetarian Day, there are going to be a lot of infographics, videos, and other pieces of content that are going to be going around, so why not share these with people you connect with online so that you can be part of this movement?

Another way to observe World Vegetarian Day is by shopping at your local farmer’s market. Farmer markets tend to have some of the most delicious and freshest fruits and vegetables. With fall in the air, you should have no trouble finding a good selection of meat-free foods that appeal to your mood and your tastebuds.



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