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Objectives of Communication

objectives of communication

Objectives of Communication 

When facing an interview




objectives of communication while facing the interview


Talk freely!

Today let us try to know about a daily but important issue. Language then
Whether it is to write or speak, there are questions in our mind even if we do not say about it.
It is said that language changes on twelve kosa; language changes according to part.

Example of Maharashtra

If you want to take it, look at Mumbai, Konkan, Vidarbha, Marathwada, and Khandesh, one of the languages of each region.
There is a specialty; the objective of communication is accent. Immediately upon hearing a particular word
Why are you here?


It is easily asked. What is the importance of language in the corporate world?
Let’s see what it is. When we move from one city/village to another for work, of course ours
Dialect language objectives of communication are different. The language of the area you come from
An idiom or manner of speaking is used unconsciously. It is possible to remember one then.
We used to try our best to speak cleanly.


Keep in mind that you should speak freely.

your  If you think that someone will laugh and name the language/speech, you will come in your own way.
Suppose an important meeting is going on in the office. All are asked to share their thoughts or opinions.
You have a very different concept, but it is because you have preconceived that my speech is not pure.
You are not talking about anything.

The loss will be yours because you lost the opportunity because of your fear.
We also speak English unconsciously, like we speak Marathi. Here, too, we have our own practice.
It should be seen how the pronunciation will be more perfect and clear. In Marathi, you pen
If you stretch it a bit, you say pay… then it is also said in English.

That pen means a pen.
If not, pain means pain. Unnecessary word stress can lead to incorrect pronunciation.
Often, while pronouncing an English word, one feels the impression of the mother tongue somewhere.

Certainly all of us We should be proud of our mother tongue, but keep this in mind while moving forward in the corporate world.
Communication Speak freely! Speak pure! Friends, note here that the language of each region is different.
Be that as it may, our effort should be to speak pure.

Clear and pure from the people around us
You can definitely practice learning to speak. Do your own work on the pronunciation of your words. mind
It is important to remove the inferiority complex of the language. Increase your vocabulary, read books on different subjects, and practice the language.

And practice will definitely help you gain confidence in the language. Listening, speaking, reading
And the benefit of writing is also necessary for good language skills.


Along with one’s overall development
Do not forget that your language is important for your corporate progress!





Meghna Dharmesh
9321314782 | [email protected]

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